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AMF Panel

AMF Panel: Features and Uses

An AMF panel is required at most installations with the Generator.

The Auto Mains Fail panels main job is to switch the Genset on when the electrical mains fail. Once it switches the generator, it transfers the power to the main distribution panel after the generators warm up period gets over.

This Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS), which is another type of panel, is also used for electrical power distribution. ATS is used to transfer the power to the main distribution panel, as per the requirement it will either use the DG or the Electrical mains.

When you do not have AMF panels, you have to manually operate the controls for the generators. This delay could result in loss of data, damage to sensitive electrical equipment, and massive disruptions in the workflow.

OVN provides AMF Panels for new installations or to modernise existing installations. The panels can be customised as per customer and site requirements.

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