Filterless Technology
A Filterless, retrofit fully automatic and compact device that integrates seamlessly with any kind of vehicles, and captures over 90% of the particulate matter emitted from vehicles in real-time, ranging from PM2.5 to PM10.
Filterless Technology for Automobiles
Filterless Technology for Gensets

Filterless Technology for Automobiles

Filterless Technology for Gensets
No Filter. Pure Technology
Based on filterless technology, the Repair ambient air-purifier assimilates the scientific theories to effectively clean the atmosphere by sucking in surrounding air, separating all particulate matter, dust particles smog &smoke, and releasing clean air through outlet.
Filterless Ambient Air Purifier
For Jaggery Units
Clean Air Zone

Filterless Ambient Air Purifier

For Jaggery Units

Clean Air Zone
Carbon Remover – A Revolutionary Clean Air Solution
- Carbon Remover is a retrofit device for reducing the PM emission from exhaust of DG sets.
- It is a filter less technology that shares the operating principle of electrostatic precipitation.
- In contrast to other products it is self cleaning and does not require frequent maintenance.
- Customised solutions available depending on the DG sets capacity and space made available.

Salient Features
- Ultra Efficient Technology – Can meet DPF level of efficiency for PM reduction.
- No Manual Intervention – Automatic Status with DG set.
- No Significant Backpressure – Suitable for prolonged low load operation unlike DPF.
- No Secondary Emission – No impact on other VOCs/GHG.
- No Active Regeneration Required – Most suitable for old mechanical FIE engines.
- No additional fuel required for thermal management or for working against high engine back pressure.
- No Additional Installations – All controls and diagnostics include in retro – fitment package.
- Robust to exhaust oil traces, particularly an issue with older and highly run engines – No fear of face plugging as in case of flow through catalyst (Such as DOC) or DPFs.
- No periodic ash cleaning required such as in DPF or partial flow Filters.
- Cost effective solutions.
Non compliance of the DPCC directions shall attract penal action as per provisions of Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981
In case you require any further clarifications, please call me on my given no.