Factories, Offices, Hospitals and Houses need electricity from lighting, charging your phone to more critical applications like machines and medical equipment. The requirement for power increases every year as our nation advances and modernises. Sources of power generation have caught up very well over the last few years. Some states are also power surplus now. Unfortunately, the grid has not yet caught up to power production and is one of the main reasons of power failures. At current estimates, it will take decades for the entire nation’s grid to get modernised.
With the increase of solar power, the nation now produces more and more pollution free electricity, but due to the limited availability of the sun, it is unable to replace conventional sources of power. Diesel powered generators are still required to make sure factories, hospitals run interrupted. They are also required for emergencies, for our defence forces and construction sites. All these critical applications require constant power and a good diesel generator as a backup.
At OVN, we help our customer to make sure they do not face any problems due to power failures by providing the best Diesel Generators available in the market.
Why would OVN be the perfect genset manufacturer in Junagadh for your requirement:
Quality: Our products are made to last 20-25 years, developed with the best technology available thought the word. Our Generators pass CPCB norms, which are the toughest norms in the world.
Fuel Efficiency and Lifetime Value: The price of generator only accounts for 5% of its lifetime value, most of the money goes into diesel and service. We make sure our customers get the best fuel efficiency at different loads, because we know that your generator will not run at 100% load, throughout its life.
Buying Advise: Most manufacturers will sell you a generator bigger than your requirement, which causes increased fuel consumption and maintenance costs. At OVN, we will check you load and make sure you get the most optimum Generator for your requirement.
You can find a dealer selling dg set in Junagadh or contact us directly for a quote and free consultation for your requirements.