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Heat Pump


AquaNexa is an air sourced heat pump based on refrigeration cycle which generates hot water with maximum temperature of 60°C. Heat Pump water heaters reduce running costs.

Salient Features

High COP and low running cost

Compact structure having minimum footprint

Plug and play unit

High efficiency heat exchanger

Smart controller

Low noise operation

Pollution free operation

Safe and reliable

Standard Capacities

9-75 kW (400 to 1600 LPH) rated hot water output

Rated hot water temperature –  55º C

Maximum hot water temperature – 60º C

Heat pump water heater prices are easily recovered due to low running costs.

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Our customers focused approach makes sure we give the best 24×7 service, which is unmatched in the industry. This approach lets our customers focus on their work without having to worry about their power backup needs.

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