Thermax offers highly effective ultrafiltration systems for the treatment of compounds with heavy molecular weight present in surface water. Water passed through UF Plants can be directly sent for reverse osmosis and recycling. Use of ultrafiltration water treatment removes colloidal silica which is harmful for RO membranes.
Salient Features
- Ultra Filtration plants Removes TSS, colloidal matter, high molecular weight substances and bacteria from various feed water
- Can achieve low and consistent SDI<3
- Completely/ partially automated systems available depending on customer needs
Standard Capacities
- LUF – 3.9,5.1,7.8,10.2 m3/hr permeate
- TUF – 3.9 to 40.8 m3/hr permeate
Please do contact us to find out which solution suits you the best and always remember to get your water tested by a third party lab before selecting any solution for your requirement.

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Our customers focused approach makes sure we give the best 24×7 service, which is unmatched in the industry. This approach lets our customers focus on their work without having to worry about their power backup needs.
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