Factors to Consider When You Buy a Used Generator
There are many instances when you go in for a used generator or other pre-owned industrial equipment. This is a cost-effective method of acquiring high-quality industrial assets. What are the things to inspect and think about when you buy a used generator? Here we see what the pertinent criterion is that determines the way you decide.
Type and Size
A key factor when buying used generators is what type of generator you are going in for. Is it natural gas, diesel, propane, or electric? And, what is its electricity generation capacity? Only after you decide the size you need, you can take other steps that are outlined below. And, buy a little bigger because this will take the strain out of the machine.
Age of the Machine
Check if the machine was used as a prime power producer or whether it was used as a standby power source. Find out how old it is. Most of the brands of generators have a specified lifespan and we can see if it has any legs left or it has run its course. Pick one that still has some more years of service left.
Brand of the Generator
It is not wise to take a chance and buy any unknown brand, especially when you buy a used generator. Go in for recognised industrial giants such as Kohler, Onan, Cummins, Caterpillar, John Deere, and Detroit Diesel. Recognized brands have a long lifespan and they are fixed for each brand. This helps you determine how much life is left.
Maintenance work
When it is not possible to get much historical information, one option to find out about the machine is to see how well it was maintained. See what resources are in place for taking care of the generator while it is working.
Physical Condition
Begin with a visual inspection and see how much this mechanical device has suffered. Does the wear and tear show? Its bushings and bearings take much load and it is preferable to replace it when you buy the generator. Also, check the welds and wiring, see the condition of the insulation.
Check with a Load Test
This is a standard test that your dealer will arrange for you. Through this you come to know about the efficiency of electricity production. You can see how well your generator responds to changing load conditions. The quality of electricity production will tell you about the state of the generator.
Type of Seller
The seller must be one of the reliable industrial generators suppliers on the market. You can determine this in one simple way. Is he a broker or a distributor? Usually, a broker is more reliable because he has a reputation to protect. Distributors like those you see on eBay will concentrate on pushing their products rather than thinking about quality. Buy your used generator from an established agency that deals with industrial products. Professional organisations with years of industrial experience are likely to give you high-quality products.
If you follow these points, it is likely you will make a wise decision and get a good generator. Otherwise, it is likely that you will remain stuck with a second-rate piece of goods.